The sound of my childrens' laughter is music to my ears.
It's hard not to smile and laugh with them when you hear the deep, belly laughs emanating from their little bodies. Both my children have inherited one of the greatest things that man can ever receive: a great sense of humor.
But... they are not stand-up comedians...yet.
On a recent trip to Barnes & Noble, Mia (my 9 year-old) decided she wanted to get the alamanac of joke books: 500 Hilarious Jokes for Kids by Jeff Rovin.
It should've been called 500 Ways to Annoy Your Parents and Drive Them to Drink.
Like most people, I enjoy a good joke or two. Yes... A good joke or two; not 500 within three days. So, we check out the book and she starts with page 1...in the car. And usually- I'm overly animated at the beginning with my laughter and Sofia (my 5 year old doesn't "get it"):
Mia: Hey mom, What color is a burp?
Me: I don't know. What color is a burp?"
Mia: Burple!
We all laugh in unision. "That's a good one!" I say.
Sofia: I don't get it!
(Sofia starts to get irritated)
Mia continues...
Mia:How do turtles communicate with each other?
Me: I don't know. How do turtles communicate with each other?
Mia: With their shell-phones!
Again- we all laugh in unison
Sofia: I don't get it! (Sofia crosses her arms and is starting to whine at this point)
17 jokes later-Mia still continues-and I become a little shorter with my rhetoric
Mia: Oh wait..this is a real good one!
Me: what?
Mia: this joke.. it's a real good.
Me: (frustrated) Geez..well then tell it already.
Mia: Ok, ok...oh this is funny.... ok...What did sushi A say to Sushi B?
Me: what?
Mia: You want to know the answer?
Me: Yeah
Mia: You really, really want to know?
Me: Yessss
Mia: Guess.
Me: NO! I do not know what the hell sushi A said to sushiB!
Sofia: I don't get it. (tears are shed)
AND.. the jokes kept flowing even after we got home:
In the kitchen...
"Mom-Why did the dog go to court?! He got a barking ticket! Get it?!!"
In the bedroom...
"Mom- Why did the orange stop half-way up the hill? It ran out of juice! Get it?!!
In the garage...
"Mom- What do you call two spiders who just got married? Newlywebs! Get it?!!
While I'm on the toilet...
"Mom- Why did Tigger look inside the toilet? He was looking for Pooh! Get it?!!
She would not go away. The jokes just kept coming and coming and coming. As I screwed the cap back on the Cuervo Gold, I had formed a plan. The next morning, Mia walked into the kitchen looking for her joke book. It had magically disappeared . Awwww....
I re-directed her attention to a new episode of The Dog Whisperer on T.V. and she forgot about it for awhile. I gave it a few days and then it magically re-appeared. She was so excited when I gave it back to her. I suggested that daddy would LOVE to hear her jokes. She skipped off...
"Daddddyyyy....I got a good one"
Yes! Let the other parental unit share in my suffering! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha <---my evil laugh.
I looked down. It was Sofia.
"Knock, Knock....."
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