I never thought I'd do it.
But I did.
I went to a movie... alone.
Now, I've always been urged by my husband and even my mother-in-law to go take in a movie by myself; to get away and have a day to myself. But when you're a mother, you're always thinking about what needs to be done around the house, errands that need to be taken care of and the guilt of not spending any extra time you may have with your children.
For me, it's hard to relax. I am a clock watcher. I am constantly looking at my watch because there are never enough hours in the day and I have this internal schedule that I try to follow with dinner, bedtimes, baths, etc.
So, on Monday I dropped off the girls at school and decided that this was going to be MY day. I was in a pretty good mood. I drove to Starbucks got myself a grande, skinny, vanilla latte and then headed towards Borders bookstore. It wasn't quite 9am yet (the time it opened) so I sat in my car and waited for the Border's guy to open the door. I sat and sat...checked my email...texted a few friends while scanning different radio stations. I ended up leaving it on 90.3, a Christian station. A lot of spiritual, feel-good songs came on and I started to get all weepy. Geez, how pathetic must I look sitting in my car crying to all these Christian songs, texting friends while waiting for Borders to open. Ugh.
Finally, I spotted the Border's guy opening the doors and a few people started to pour in. I wiped away my tears, blew my nose and headed in. It felt so good, not to be on anybody's schedule but my own. I walked through the many shelves of books and came across a huge one: The World's Must-See Islands. I sat down and started to fantasize as I turned each page of beautiful islands from the pink sand beaches of Cat Island to the beautiful isles of Greece. I spent about an hour island hopping before I realized that I needed to head to the movie I decided to see...
The Curious Life of Benjamin Button.
Like I said before, I've never gone to a movie by myself before. This was going to be an experience. As I pulled up to the Harkins theater, I noticed that the parking lot was already filled with movie-goers...all about 40 years older than me. I grabbed my purse and headed towards the ticket counter...
"Hi..ticket for one for Benjamin Button at 11:10"
(Wheh... that wasn't so hard)
I went inside the theater, went pee and then ordered a child's popcorn combo (I'm trying to watch the fat, ok?) I head towards theater 1 and I feel like everyone in the building is looking at me. I grab a seat right in the middle and get comfortable. Wow..I like this. I don't have someone twisting and turning knocking their popcorn over asking me when the movie was going to start. I don't have another person asking me to take them to the bathroom and for an oversized Icee. I don't have to tell anyone not to kick the chair in front of them or to lower their voice.
This was freedom.
It was a three hour movie that was outstanding. It was a three hour movie that captured my attention and not once did I have to turn away from the screen to attend to someone else's needs. It was a three hour movie that wasn't interrupted by potty breaks or "I'm bored" sidenotes. It was heaven...with Brad Pitt!!
I will never go to another movie with someone else again. (Ok, the kid flicks~ I'll be at) But the Mommy movies...It's all me, baby.
Just me, myself & I. :)
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