Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"...You Have Such a Pretty Face..."

Friday, January 23, 2009
Why do I look like the "before" pics in diet ads?

It's true.
Everytime I come across those damn diet ads in magazines or on T.V. I look at the "before" pics and think, "Geez, I could make some dough as a "before" model!"
Don't get me wrong, I don't walk around with a half shirt with my gut hanging over my jeans. I know how to hide the flab and I think I do a pretty good job at it. My tummy isn't as cute as it used to be with the battle wounds of birth (i.e. stretch marks) and the post baby fat (my kids are both 5 & 9 years old and I still consider my flab post baby fat).
It's hard not to envy those celebrities that pop out a few kids and 2 weeks later are walking along the beaches of St.Tropez in a teeny, tiny bikini. What the hell? It's just so unfair; granted, they have trainers and personal chefs that help them bounce back into shape~ but it doesn't help my esteem any! For me, 2 weeks post pregnancy, I'm still wearing my grandma maternity panties and ugly ass, breast-feeding bra with the leak pads inside.
But honestly, I take full responsibility for the shape I'm in.
Am I morbidly obese?
Could I stand to lose a few pounds?
My excuse for not exercising and eating right?
After having kids, priorities change. Your time becomes their time and the hours in your days become shorter-- there are never enough of them. And when things slow down and you do have any extra time (like around midnight)- all you want to do is sleep. Sometimes I feel like I'm on this treadmill of life without a slow down button.
But.. I keep going.
My kids are my life and well, I'm a glutton for punishment.
Maybe one day I'll have the time to work out, diet & purge a la Victoria Beckham. But until then...my gut and I will gladly apply for the position of 'before' model.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Argh- the Grocery Carts from Hell

They really thought they were making our life easier when they introduced this contraption to us.
They thought that every mom with kids under the age of ten would be thanking the Lord for the introduction of this vehicle into the shopping world.
It would be a tool to help make all mothers shopping experiences more pleasurable....
so they thought.
If you're a mother, you know exactly what I'm talking about---the grocery cart from hell...
The makeshift truck, fire engine, rocket ship, whale, police car, grocery cart for kids that holds about $5 worth of groceries.
I'll be the first to admit that initially, I thought it was a great idea. What more does a kid want than to be pushed around in a rocket ship shopping cart while mom loads it up with food and snacks?! Awesome idea, right?!
Not so much.
Here is the real deal of what goes down with these carts:
Mom drives up to the grocery store.
Kid insists on sitting in a rocket ship grocery cart.
It's a Saturday, so inventory is low on the cool carts.
Kid cries and whines.
Mom scours the parking lot looking for one to shut the kid up.
Mom finds one.
The one mom finds is blocked by 10 regular shopping carts in the cart return area and has a loud squeaky wheel.
Kid is still whining.
Mom manages to pull it out after getting bumped and bruised.
Kid whines because it's not the "right one".
Mom bribes kid with candy.
Kid accepts bribe and gets in cart.
Mom maneuvers the rocket ship with the grace of a bull in a china shop through the small aisles.
Mom barely gets past the fruit & vegetable section and kid is dragging one of his feet outside the side door as mom pushes the cart.
Mom starts to shop a little faster and gets to the dairy section.
Kid is now on top of the rocket ship
Mom pulls him off
Kid starts to whine and now insists on sitting INSIDE the cart with the rest of the groceries.
Mom refuses.
Kid whines and asks if she's almost done shopping.
Kid wants a doughnut.
Mom is frustrated because there is no where to put the 20 lb bag of dog food, 12 pack of Bounty paper towels or the Charmin 24 count package.
Kid whines about being bored and tired and that his feet hurt.
Mom picks up kid and carries him the rest of the way while pushing the rocket ship cart .
Kid is no longer piloting the rocket ship- the 20lb bag of dog food is now occupying the space.
Mom's child-induced scoliosis is aggravated by the weight of the kid on her hip.
Mom doesn't look forward to check out time.
The kid bagging the groceries shoves $179 worth of groceries into the rocket ship instead of getting a regular cart
Mom, still holding kid, tries to maneuver the rocket ship cart back to her vehicle in the parking lot
Mom is swerving left and right
Kid still doesn't want to be put down
Mom bumps and scratches the car with the rocket ship cart
Mom places kid in car seat and pushes the rocket ship cart back to the return area
Kid cries for the rocket ship cart
Mom slits wrists
Sound familiar?
The mothers of America need to band together to rid our grocery stores of these contraptions. We no longer need to be subjected to the abuse of the pimped out grocery carts!Mothers unite.
Join the fight: Mothers Against Pimped Out Grocery Carts
And... well... until then just leave the kid at home.
Mantyhose..are you kidding me?!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
To Mia & Sofia...

You Attend Your Senior Prom
It's a magical time in your life when you get asked to your senior prom. I think every girl starts fantasizing about her senior prom as soon as she hits high school. You think about the dress, your hair, make-up, the limo, the dance, the guy. You want it be like the proms you see in movies and Seventeen magazine. You want to make memories that you'll live to tell your kids about.
I want you both to know that you are both special girls and any guy that has the honor of taking you to prom needs to be advised that your father will be waiting, with heavy artillery, if you are not returned in the condition you left in.
My senior prom was interesting. I ended up taking the guy I was dating at the time. He was alright..a typical jock. I wore a pink gown with lace gloves and matching heels and corsage. I wore my hair down but teased about an inch high. My date wore a white tux with a pink cumerbund with his hair gelled back. (Geez, it's starting to sound like the making of a bad 80's teen movie).
I didn't go in a limo. He picked me up in his mom's freshly washed Nissan Maxima and took me straight to prom. We didn't go to a nice restaurant like the rest of my friends did, he said we'd get something afterward. (Here's where it get's interesting...) We stayed until the end of prom and then he took me to Subway for a footlong sub. (No, I am not making this up) Then he mentions that he got a room at a local motel.
There I sat at a gross Subway shop in my pink prom dress with matching heels and lace gloves pondering my decision on why I took this guy to my last dance as a senior. I sat in front of my footlong seafood and crab sub with a blank stare. Is this how my senior prom date is going to end? At a dirty sub shop in San Diego at midnight? WTF?! He seriously thought that I was going to give it up after going to prom (which we didn't even dance at) and dining at Subway!
It wasn't my idea of how I wanted to finish the night. I always envisioned going to a prom after party with all my friends and hanging out 'til the wee hours of the morning toasting to our impending college life. I wanted it to be like the ending in the movie Footloose, when Kevin Bacon and the rest of the high schoolers dance the night away under all the glittery confetti raining down.
Unfortunately, it didn't end that way. I had him take me right home after the fine dining experience at Subway.
Is there a point to this story?
Yes, there is.
I want you both to enjoy your prom. I want you to have the time of your lives surrounded by all your good friends. I want you to have your dream dress and spectacular limo. I want you to take tons of pictures to capture the magic of the night. I want you to go to prom with someone who respects you and wants to be a part of giving you the time of your life.
(I don't want you to give it up to some guy who buys you a sandwich and thinks he can have his way with you.)
But most of all...respect yourself.
You're my girls and the most precious things in my life. You deserve the best and no man will ever be good enough for you in my eyes. So find someone worthy of your time and affection..
Because...You both deserve the glittery confetti...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Day at the Movies...solo.