1. Whenever you have a bad cough/cold, slather your feet with Vicks and wear warm socks to bed. It will suppress your cough overnight
2. If you have problems with your thick thighs chaffing because of the summer heat, rub some of your deodorant on each inner thigh. Because of the barrier the deodorant creates, you won’t have to worry about any rash
3. Spend money on good feminine products. Buying generic tampons is just inviting trouble and leaks
4. If a guy doesn’t call you/text you back right away..it’s not because he’s not thinking of you, it’s because that’s what guys do and he’s probably right in the middle of something
5. Crock pots rock. Invest in one. There is nothing like coming home to the wonderful aroma of a pot roast ready to eat once you walk in the door after a long day
6. Don’t be afraid to watch a movie by yourself. It’s very liberating to walk into a theater by yourself and totally immerse yourself into the storyline on the screen without any interruptions
7. Eat by yourself. Whenever the opportunity arises, don’t be self-conscious..and dine by yourself. Nothing screams “self-confidence” like a woman dining by herself
8. Smile at everyone you encounter. Every person that comes in and out of your life every day was meant to be there at that given moment. Your smile says a thousand words.
9. Laugh out loud. Who cares if someone thinks you’re obnoxious. There are people out there that would kill to have something to laugh out loud about
10. Appreciate your body. We all have a love/hate relationship with our bodies. But do what you can to be healthy and good to yourself. It doesn’t mean being anorexic, it means loving yourself enough to make healthy decisions about your lifestyle.
11. Don’t smoke. A no-brainer, right?
12. When you wake up every day, before your feet hit the floor..thank God for blessing you with another day
13. Educate yourself. An educated woman is a strong woman. An educated woman is open to many more opportunities. An educated woman has more options.
14. Never let a man raise his hand to you. If he did it once, he’ll do it again. Leave.
15. Never let the hand you hold, hold you down. Do not stay with a man that doesn’t uplift you. Jealousy and envy come from guilty men. Be with a man who makes you want to be a better woman
16. There is a fine line between sexy & slutty. If the world can see your nipples through your top and your coochie when you sit down…change
17. Real friends will tell you to change if they think your outfit is not flattering. Real friends will not let you leave the house looking like a homeless skank
18. Your best friend(s) will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear
19. Life isn’t fair. But it’s up to you to choose how you will react in every situation. Your reaction will determine the outcome every time
20. Don’t date married men. If they were really unhappy, they’d be single.
21. When you can, turn the music up in the car and sing along loudly. It helps if it’s a rap song with bad lyrics
22. Eat cupcakes. Nothing makes me smile more than a cupcake with sprinkles
23. Travel alone if given the chance. Taking a road trip or flying solo can do wonders for your self-confidence.
24. Always say “Thank You” when someone compliments you. Even if it’s the perv at the gas station…
25. Dance with an ugly dude. When a “grenade”(aka ugly dude) asks you to dance when you’re at a club, accept the offer. It shows that you aren’t shallow and just want to have a good time
26. Acknowledge other women. If you see a woman dressed nice, great haircut, amazing shoes, etc., let her know. There is too much negativity amongst us women. We need to stop hating and start congratulating
27. When you’re about to sleep with a guy and you think he’s going to notice all the flaws on your naked body that you “think” you have…think again, guys don’t notice that stuff at that point. All they know is that they have a beautiful naked woman in front of them.
28. Protect yourself. Take the lead when it comes to birth control and protection. Never depend on a guy to handle it. Your life depends on it
29. Wax. Nothing more unappealing than a woman with a huge Chaka-Zulu bush between her legs
30. Never drink more than 3 Long Island Ice Teas in one sitting if you want to avoid being carried out of a nightclub in Tijuana
31. Drink a glass of water after each Tequila shot
32. It’s never a good idea to “try” weed right before a high intensity cardio workout at your college
33. Learn to walk in stilettos and spend money on quality shoes. Flats are made for weekends at home and do NOTHING for you
34. Always have a cute black dress in your closet. If all else fails, that is an item you can always rely on
35. Always have clean fingernails/toenails. People can tell a lot about you by the way you keep your fingers and toes up
36. Brush AND floss daily. No one likes a yuck mouth
37. Never believe a guy when he says “Just the tip..”
38. Take care of your car. Never let it go below a ¼ of a tank (so bad for the engine)
39. Let your date pick up the tab; don’t feel like you always have to be a feminist
40. Enjoy a weekend on the couch with your sweats watching the Lifetime channel with all the cheesy made for tv movies
41. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative people are a cancer and can steal your joy continuously
42. Alone does not mean lonely
43. Own a pet. At the end of the day, if there is anyone that loves you unconditionally (besides me)..it’s your dog
44. Nothing works like exercise and a well balanced diet. Save your money and don’t spend it on fad diets
45. Vitamin E oil heals every skin ailment
46. When you have poop cramps, do not attempt to fart. You WILL shit your pants
47. Never park next to a van in the parking lot and always act like you’re a bad ass when you are walking out of the store to your car. Be aware of your surroundings and lock your car as soon as you get in. Don’t be a victim
48. Volunteer at a food bank. It really puts things in perspective when it comes to your life issues
49. Remind yourself that you don’t have bad days; you have inconvenient ones. The parents of a child with stage 4 cancer…. that’s a bad day
50. Think twice about your road rage when someone pisses you off on the freeway. That person that cut you off could’ve just received bad news. Take a breath and let it go
51. Never kick a boy in the nuts
52. Ride a rollercoaster
53. Refuse to feel guilty when you want time to yourself. It’s hard when you’re a mom, but you need to take care of YOU if you’re gonna take care of THEM
54. Lunges and squats WILL change the look of your butt
55. Learn to swim
56. Don’t go to bed mad. Leave all your frustrations behind before closing your eyes
57. Don’t bring up things from the past; look ahead. There is a reason why the windshield in your car is so big and the rearview mirror is so small. The past is not as significant as the present or the future
58. Don’t burn bridges—life has a funny way of “recycling” people back into your life
59. It’s not true about the size of a man’s feet
60. Use flushable wet wipes instead of regular toilet paper
61. Pluck your eyebrows (don’t overpluck). It will change the look of your face
62. Take lots of pics…capture every moment in life you can
63. Go to a concert and dance in your seat
64. Buy colors and a coloring book and when you’re stressed, start coloring. It does wonders
65. Always remind your best friends how important they are
66. Send a card to your parents on your birthday thanking them for life
67. Listen to your heart..it’s God whispering
1 comment:
VERY good tips. I learned a few of those from my own Mom.
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